Using Notifications in Business Central via AL
Introduction Notifications in Business Central are alerts that appears in the Notification bar based on User actions. Notifications stack up from top to bottom, lasting until the user dismisses them, including those from sub-pages. Validation errors are prioritized and shown before other notifications. We can use this to alert the user regarding something without taking all the user's notification towards it, in the way messages or errors do. They also have the option to allow Users to make a corrective action by embedding the action button directly into the notification. Let's see how it works. Source Code Pre-requisites Business Central OnPrem/Cloud. References Notification - Business Central Docs Configuration Here, for an example, I've created one simple page which takes two inputs. 1. The message that is to be shown in the notification. 2. The message to be shown after the User clicks on the action embedded in the notification. And I have two actions which I'l...